Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year y'all!

My New Year's resolutions are simple this year: 1. use up all (and I do mean all) the yarn I have before buying anymore! 2. Slow down and have a nice cup of tea each day (this means I am sitting, not mutli tasking and enjoying it. 3. become more aware of our spending money and save save save. We have a lot planned for this year, and we are going to need $$$ to make it all happen!
My New Year's Eve was typical...boring by most standards. The evening started out nicely with a movie with the family, I spent all day cooking up a storm, then after tucking in the youngest we started playing some board games...unfortunatly, he figured something was up and decided not to sleep...and was a nudge the rest of the evening until Mommy agreed to lie down with him in his bed where as we both fell asleep. Oh well. :)

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